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Inspirational Quotes on Wisdom and Positive Thinking

By Marilyn Cramer
Monday, April 30th, 2012


Motivational Quotes

It takes courage to originate, not imitate.




Accomplishment Motivational

“To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment.” ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson



Positive Thinking Quotes

“Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough” ~ Oprah Winfrey


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Transform Your Life With This Inspirational Message

By Bob Lancer
Saturday, January 21st, 2012

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Here is an inspirational message for you: Nothing but opportunity exists.

inspirational message for positive thinking

Envision a ray of light bringing into your mind a vision of success for you that really does feel just right

If you are feeling down about your opportunities, recharge your motivation and build your self-confidence by affirming: “Whatever my situation nothing but opportunity exists.”


When you condition your mind with this inspirational message, you attune your subconscious to seek and find your golden opportunities that are present.


It sets your creative mind-power to work on synthesizing the various details of your situation into a form that matches your dream of success.


If you are feeling discouraged about your possibilities, improve your chances for success by harnessing the power of positive thinking.


Re-direct your focus and receive the support of a positive mindset by considering no other possibility about your situation than this: nothing but opportunity exists.


You will stop seeing discouraging signs and indicators, and begin seeing how things really can work out great for you.


This form of positive thinking can be invaluable when it comes to successful goal-setting.


This is how to overcome discouragement in any situation: focus your thought on coming up with a wonderful vision of your personal success.


Just presume that it is the nature of each moment to present you with nothing but golden opportunity.


Then open your mind to a vision of succeeding in an honest, natural way that feels just right.


You never have to force things in an unnatural or dishonest way to get ahead.


As you accept the inspiring message that nothing but opportunity exists,you will receive a vision of success that utilizes your gifts and talents, feels completely fulfilling, and that matches up with who you really are.


This is a cure for economic worries.  As you try on the positive, empowering mindset that every economy offers nothing but opportunities, you will began thinking of your possibilities in new ways and come up with inspiring ways to take advantage of the economy.


Here is an exercise for success:

  1. Whatever your current situation, imagine that offers you nothing but opportunities.
  2. Envision a ray of light bringing into your mind a vision of success for you that really does feeljust right.
  3. If any ideas of success occur that do not seem like a perfect fit for you, simply let them go and return to step two.
  4. Do this for a few minutes, then rest.  If no idea comes in that time, repeat the exercise.  Repeat the exercise once or twice a day (or more if you like) until your vision comes.


This exercise programs the subconscious to STOP looking at disappointing possibilities, and to instead realize your great opportunity that really is present.


In this blog, please share your experience of this exercise and any questions that you have about realizing the truth of the inspiring message that nothing but opportunity exists.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Emotional Wisdom For Success

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Importance Of Positive Thinking

To apply wisdom for success, ALLOW yourself to fully experience however you happen to be feeling

There is an important emotional dimension to wisdom for success: however you feel is okay.

Don’t resist your feelings of unhappiness, resentment, frustration, shame, regret or insecurity.

Emotional Wisdom For Success:

When you accept, embrace, and fully TRUST how you feel, how you feel turns joy.


We students of positive thinking and motivational self-help need to remember this.

Much of the self-help success tips that we study focus on the importance of positive thinking and positive feelings, and rightly so.

But we need to remember to NOT by fear anxiety, resist discouragement, judge ourselves as “wrong” when we feel angry, over-burdened or even defeated.

To apply wisdom for success, ALLOW yourself to fully experience however you happen to be feeling.

Invite your feelings in, EMBRACE them. They will turn into beautiful harmony.

One vital thing to know for success in life, though, is what to do with your THINKING when you feel down.

It can certainly help to focus on inspirational quotes and motivational sayings.

But what is most important for success in life is to NOT indulge in thinking that makes you feel down or makes you feel worse.

If you cannot engage in positive thinking, at least keep your mind free of NEGATIVE thinking.

Try this wisdom for success exercise:

  1. Spend a few moments allowing yourself to experience how you are feeling in the present moment.
  2. If your mind begins to wander, immediately shift your attention from your thinking back to your feeling.
  3. Remain aware of your body to release any tensions that you might be feeling, so you relax fully and consciously to the flow of your feelings.


Practice this for at least 1 minute each day.

The more you practice this, the more you develop trust in how you feel.

In this blog, please share your experience of this self-help exercise, including your thoughts about it, and any questions you might have.

So when you feel down, apply the wisdom for success of THOUGHTLESSLY experiencing your feelings.

For instance, if you happen to feel lonely over the holidays, or too physically impaired to celebrate with gusto, just feel how you feel.

If your mind begins showing you a sad or frightening mental movie about your life, take your attention off your thoughts and focus it instead directly onto your present state of feeling.

Don’t judge yourself for NOT being able to apply positive thinking. Trust how you feel as you apply this wisdom for success, you will soon find yourself feeling better and better and better.

Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Confidence Building Success Secrets

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, December 14th, 2011

Receive your FREE advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

be successful

To employ success secrets like confidence building, routinely and deliberately visualize yourself achieving results that match your wildest desires

Nothing is a source of confidence building like success.

But visualizing yourself succeeding comes very close.

Individuals who have achieved great success are extremely self-confident relative to their area of success.

Individuals whom I have known who have amassed great wealth, for instance, have the attitude that even if they lost their wealth, they feel totally confident that they could rebuild their wealth.

Confidence building is one of the great success secrets.

Notice how you feel after you accomplish something important to you.  You probably feel more self-confident.

I have found that visualizing myself succeeding is also confidence building.

By contrast, visualizing myself producing disappointing results causes my confidence to wane and my insecurity to rise.

To employ success secrets like confidence building, I therefore routinely and deliberately visualize myself achieving results that match my wildest desires.

The results of this practice are wonderful.  I feel less stress, less anxiety, more inspiration and more fulfillment every year, and I am delighted as I witness my positive dreams coming true!

Knowing success secrets is useless unless you put them to work.  Here is an exercise for doing just that:

  1. Make a list of three accomplishments that would thrill you.
  2. Spend one minute focusing your mind on visualizing yourself easily accomplishing each.
  3. Then, imagine the feeling of being absolutely self-confident about your ability to achieve those goals.  Spend 1 minute on this for each item on your list.

Please share in this blog your experience and the results
of this confidence building exercise.

Receive your FREE advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Embrace Your DIS-Comfort Zone

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, November 23rd, 2011

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

Wisdom For Personal Growth

Personal growth can be described as the wisdom of embracing your discomfort zone for higher success

In the Wisie for Success video, “Beyond Your Comfort Zone”, we read these inspirational words for personal growth:

“Beyond the area where you’re already comfortable, there are new possibilities waiting for you.”

We usually resist stepping outside our comfort zone, as when some technological innovation forces us to change our ways.

And yet, once we finally embrace the change, we find the innovation usually helps us to be more efficient and effective.

One of the unavoidable laws for achieving higher levels of success is that you must evolve beyond the habitual modes you currently find comfortable.

Personal growth can be described as the wisdom of embracing your discomfort zone for higher success.

Consider these inspirational words from that same success-wisdom Wisie video:

“Everything you experience is contained in what you expect to experience…”

These inspirational words remind us of the fact that expecting something to be difficult makes it difficult.

When you have to do something that threatens your comfort-zone, avoid projecting in your imagination that it WILL be difficult.

Relax by staying present – that is, focused on the present moment, and handle what you have before you in an unstrained, relaxed, step-by-step manner.

This helps you to move THROUGH your DIS-comfort zone in a more COMFORTABLE way.

To achieve greater success or to overcome a setback in what do YOU need to step outside your comfort zone?

What wisdom have you gained through your life-experience that relates to the power of expectation?

In this blog, share your thoughts and questions about the wisdom of embracing your DIS-comfort zone.

Remember this: life is set up in a way that insures you will never be able to stay in your comfort zone for long.

Inevitably you will have to go beyond it, because personal growth and life are really one.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.

The Wisdom Path To Abundance

By Bob Lancer
Tuesday, October 25th, 2011

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

wisdom for success

Enter the wisdom path to abundance by letting go of MENTAL conditions of lack and limitation.

Inspirational Quotes on the Wisdom of Abundance:

• There exists a wisdom-path to abundance – it winds through your mind.

• Abundance is a state of consciousness.

• As you free yourself from imaginary conditions of want, you free yourself to enter the life conditions THAT you want.

To help yourself see how abundance is a state of mind, answer the following questions:

1. When you think about your current level of abundance, what do you see?

2. When you think about your opportunities to achieve abundance, WHAT DO YOU SEE?

Whatever you SEE, in response to the above two questions, is a MENTAL CONDITION.

Personal Success Wisdom:As you direct our MENTAL conditions, you direct your LIFE conditions.

Inspirational Quotes on the Wisdom of Abundance:

• You cannot feel discouraged or worried without thinking of possibilities that you do not want to happen.

• Enter the wisdom path to abundance by letting go of MENTAL conditions of lack and limitation.

How do YOU define a life of total abundance?

What do you imagine standing in the way of your
abundance and personal success?

In this blog, share your thoughts and questions about
how to be as abundant as you want to be.

Here are 4 steps for advancing along wisdom’s path to abundance:

1. Practice paying more alert attention to what you are thinking, when you are thinking.

2. When you notice yourself thinking of conditions of lack or limitation, immediately let that thought go – don’t count on worry or discouragement to bring you personal success.

3. Imagine and trust that you are already on the path leading you into all the abundance you desire.

4. Remain alertly aware in the here-now to notice opportunities as they arrive.

Feel welcome to share some of YOUR favorite inspirational quotes on the path to abundance in this blog.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Succeed With Joy

By Bob Lancer
Saturday, October 15th, 2011

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

key to success

One self-help key for achieving your greatest goals may for you to pay more attention to how you are feeling in the present moment

There is no greater power than happiness for achieving success, as the following inspirational quotes suggest:

  • When I am feeling happy I am at my best. When I become too serious my creativity shuts down and I find myself clashing more in my relationships.

  • I have learned that I simply have to be enjoying myself at work to as productive as I can be.

  • When I’m feeling really good inside I notice that things just seem to work out and fall into place.  But when I’m feeling down, everything turns into a struggle.

Of course these inspirational quotes are not intended to downplay the need for self-discipline, mental focus, and a sense of responsibility, but happiness seems all to often to be underrated.

One self-help key for achieving your greatest goals may for you to pay more attention to how you are feeling in the present moment.

By permitting yourself to enjoy the journey instead of waiting until you achieve your goal to finally relax enough to be happy, you will be more successful.

What are YOU waiting for to be happy?

What goals do you believe you need to achieve, what problems do you first need to solve, to permit yourself to enjoy your life and work?

In this blog, share your thoughts and questions about
the self-help power of happiness as it relates to success.

It may be that the old saying “it sounds too good to be true” is preventing you from tapping into the great success-power that is joy.

But there is really only one way to find out if you can succeed joyfully, and that is to risk an experiment. Each day deliberately practice living and working a little more calmly, confidently and joyfully, to see if the inspirational quotes that opened this blog can also apply to you.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Life’s Success Training

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Success secret: Train yourself to seek your path

The moment you begin looking for a way to succeed, you begin finding your way to succeed.

Your life IS a perfect success training opportunity.

Every experience that you go through offers you an education in how to go through it better.

If you look for a better way to live in this moment, you will find it.  “Seek and you will find” is a provable law of life and one of life’s greatest success training secrets.

Train yourself to seek your path to truly
fulfilling success in the now.

What are you looking for?

  • a higher income?
  • a higher level of accomplishment?
  • A higher levels of talent?
  • a higher level of love, joy and fulfillment?

Your daily living experiences offer you the success training opportunities you need to turn your dreams into reality.

The moment you begin looking for a way to succeed,
you begin finding your way to succeed.

If you feel stuck in any way, open your mind to the educational opportunity offered to you right now.  Observe what you say, think, feel and do and notice what that causes you to go through.

Then simply look for  better, more effective and efficient way to achieve your goals and you will find it.

When you go through disappointment or difficulty, accept the opportunity for great success training. Look for the lessons that you can use to be more successful, and you will find those lessons even in the darkest times.

To find success, define what you mean by “success”. Training for triumph requires first that you know the triumph you want.  Define and envision a particular goal.  Then ask yourself, “What abilities do I need to develop to achieve this?” You will receive an answer defining the training for success that you need.

Your current level of accomplishment in any area of life is an exact reflection of your current level of ability.  To achieve a higher level of success, training is required.

The best form of success training is to work on developing the abilities you feel most inspired to develop, and to turn every life-experience into a lesson that points to training you can use to lead a more successful life.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.