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Emotional Wisdom For Success

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, December 28th, 2011

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Importance Of Positive Thinking

To apply wisdom for success, ALLOW yourself to fully experience however you happen to be feeling

There is an important emotional dimension to wisdom for success: however you feel is okay.

Don’t resist your feelings of unhappiness, resentment, frustration, shame, regret or insecurity.

Emotional Wisdom For Success:

When you accept, embrace, and fully TRUST how you feel, how you feel turns joy.


We students of positive thinking and motivational self-help need to remember this.

Much of the self-help success tips that we study focus on the importance of positive thinking and positive feelings, and rightly so.

But we need to remember to NOT by fear anxiety, resist discouragement, judge ourselves as “wrong” when we feel angry, over-burdened or even defeated.

To apply wisdom for success, ALLOW yourself to fully experience however you happen to be feeling.

Invite your feelings in, EMBRACE them. They will turn into beautiful harmony.

One vital thing to know for success in life, though, is what to do with your THINKING when you feel down.

It can certainly help to focus on inspirational quotes and motivational sayings.

But what is most important for success in life is to NOT indulge in thinking that makes you feel down or makes you feel worse.

If you cannot engage in positive thinking, at least keep your mind free of NEGATIVE thinking.

Try this wisdom for success exercise:

  1. Spend a few moments allowing yourself to experience how you are feeling in the present moment.
  2. If your mind begins to wander, immediately shift your attention from your thinking back to your feeling.
  3. Remain aware of your body to release any tensions that you might be feeling, so you relax fully and consciously to the flow of your feelings.


Practice this for at least 1 minute each day.

The more you practice this, the more you develop trust in how you feel.

In this blog, please share your experience of this self-help exercise, including your thoughts about it, and any questions you might have.

So when you feel down, apply the wisdom for success of THOUGHTLESSLY experiencing your feelings.

For instance, if you happen to feel lonely over the holidays, or too physically impaired to celebrate with gusto, just feel how you feel.

If your mind begins showing you a sad or frightening mental movie about your life, take your attention off your thoughts and focus it instead directly onto your present state of feeling.

Don’t judge yourself for NOT being able to apply positive thinking. Trust how you feel as you apply this wisdom for success, you will soon find yourself feeling better and better and better.

Receive your FREE advice for success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Wisie Members: Please feel welcome to share your views in this blog regarding any of the Wisie videos, and to ask questions about how to make the most of them.