Your Child Development Discipline Solution

By Bob Lancer
September 8th, 2010

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Develop your child’s greatest potential

Child development urge drives your child

Within your child exists a natural pattern of child development. Like the growth pattern in the seed of every flower and plant, in your child’s core exists a growth pattern for the blossoming of your child’s greatest potential, not just to survive but to beautifully thrive in the world.

This pattern causes children to naturally crave the guidance and direction that helps them develop the abilities and strengths they will need to “make it” in the world.

Just as nature drives flowers and plants to fulfill their glorious potential, the child development urge drives your child, from deep within, to fulfill his glorious potential. (This may in fact be the child’s most powerful motivating force, for it is a natural expression of life.)

To the extent that we thwart or oppose this child development urge, we stifle the child’s motivation to survive and thrive and may even turn that urge into a self-destructive force.

The more your attempts at directing your child’s behavior align with your child’s real developmental needs, the more willingly your child will cooperate and the more your child will make responsible choices on her own.

But when we attempt to control or direct a child to satisfy our own personal desires, irrespective of what the child actually needs to develop for healthy, happy life-success, we reverse the child’s drive to develop turn it into the drive to defy and rebel.

Ignoring or not being sufficiently tuned in to the child’s development creates behavior problems and parenting frustrations. To the extent that your direction and correction work with a child’s healthy development, the child “listens” extremely well.

So the next time that you are about to issue a direction or correction, first consider if it is really about child development or if it is just about pleasing yourself.

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