Long-Term Parenting

By Bob Lancer
September 25th, 2011

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Parenting tips for the long term

The parent functions as a sort of lighthouse for the child, guiding the child, hopefully, along a happy, healthy, successful life-path

The parenting tips presented here pertain to the fact that your child is deeply impressed by your way of living, not just by your way of parenting.

How you live your life operates as a life-long guide for your child’s life-path.

The parent functions as a sort of lighthouse for the child, guiding the child, hopefully, along a happy, healthy, successful life-path.

Your child may be observing you far more closely than even she realizes. Your modeling as a sort of compass for her daily life choices in the short AND the long-term.

Parenting tips for the long-term:
• Pursuing the fulfillment of your higher potential leads your children to become their best selves.
• Leading a fulfilling life leads your children to lead fulfilling lives.

Here is how modeling works for the short and long term. If Junior hears you speaking belligerently to his mother, for example, he will soon be heard speaking that way to his mother.

There is a good chance that he will speak that way to his female teacher.

There’s a good chance he will speak that way to his wife.

As parents we are responsible for the ways that we influence our child’s life path.

You may find help with parenting that relates to the long term by thinking of yourself casting a sort of beacon that your child will follow all life-long.

What are some of the positive and negative traits
you are modeling for your child?

What problems and what success do you feel that you were led (or misled) into by your parents’ modeling?

Share your thoughts and questions about this
important topic in this blog.

Take-Away parenting tips:
• Remember that the life you lead leads your child throughout life.
• Remember that your example is an extremely powerful influence on your child’s destiny.

Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

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