Raising Kids To Be Compassionate

By Bob Lancer
August 18th, 2011

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parenting children quotes

To raise a compassionate child, be a compassionate parent

Here are four inspiring parenting children quotes for raising compassionate kids:

1. To raise a compassionate child, be a compassionate parent.

2. Any parent who believes himself to be perfectly compassionate is being dishonest with himself.

3. Honesty is a form of compassion because receiving dishonest treatment hurts.

4. To be honest with your children, you don’t have to tell them EVERYTHING, only what they NEED to know to feel genuinely bonded with you.

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The above parenting quotes for kids related to the connection between your child’s compassion and your honesty. The following parenting children quotes examine the influence of other parenting behaviors on kind child development.

  1. Being harshly critical of children causes them to become emotionally numb, as a defense mechanism, which permits them to behave unkindly.
  2. A child who witnesses a parent being cruel or insensitive is led, by that negative example, away from compassionate self-expression.
  3. When a parent becomes so focused on her own agenda that she is tuned out from the needs for deep loving connection expressed by her young child, that child learns to DIS-connect from his own feelings, and from the feelings of others.
  4. When one child hurts another child, first respond the injured child’s need. Provide the love, support, and attentiveness that the injured child felt deprived of. This not only protects the compassionate hear to the hurt child, it also models loving care for the aggressive child.

Ponder the eight parenting children quotes presented here, and use them as a guide for raising a compassionate child.

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