Relationship Advice For Strife

By Bob Lancer
September 8th, 2010

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Relationship advice is often difficult to follow because it guides us to NOT follow our habitual ways. But it is our habitual ways that keep us stuck in our same old problems.

Stress affects love relationship

Don't let stress effect your love relationship

The relationship advice presented here calls upon you to overcome your habitual stress pattern.

A common mistake that couples make in their efforts to improve their lives, extricate themselves from difficulties and fulfill their responsibilities is to function in an uptight, impatient, stressful mode.

This mode, however, leads to strife in their relationship.  When you feel stressed you become difficult to get along with.  You end up inciting stress in your mate, and that makes your mate difficult to get along with.

Many of the conflicts that couples face are caused by stress. You might presume that your mate is the problem when you are living in such a stressful way that you can’t help but feel antagonized.

You make a harmonious, loving relationship unattainable for yourself as long as you refuse to live in a harmonious, loving way.  To diminish relationship strife, follow this relationship advice: diminish the stress in your life.

comforting love relationships

Build a harmonious love relationship

Stress is not caused by circumstances, but by driving ourselves too hard to control our circumstances.

To change this pattern, notice how much stress you presently feel. When you notice yourself feeling stressed, nervous, anxious or frustrated, take a breath, ease up on yourself, let go of the thoughts about what can go wrong if you don’t continue pushing yourself.

Little by little, tiny degree by tiny degree, you can replace your habitual stress with more conscious, intentional calm.

As you apply this relationship advice, you will find that you can actually be more effective and successful by functioning in a calm, confident manner, and that you find it much easier to maintain a loving, harmonious relationship with your mate.

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