Break Up Advice For Leavers

By Bob Lancer
February 9th, 2011

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Relationship advice on break up of a relationship

The way you end a relationship is really the beginning or the seed of the next relationship you enter.

One of the most important pieces of “break up advice” for leavers has to do with the relationship between endings and new beginnings.

More specifically, this “break up advice” pertains to the role of compassion and integrity in HOW you leave.

Of course out of a sheer sense of compassion and integrity you want to be kind and
considerate of the other’s feelings in the way you make your exit.
This break up advice should go without saying.

But a deeper understanding can help drive this break up advice home. When you repress your sense of compassion and integrity, it will eat away at you on some level, making you feel unworthy of love, respect, trust, happiness, health and success.  And when you feel unworthy of these, a part of you works at sabotaging them.

Beyond this, it is important to understand that how you end one relationship determines how your next relationship will go.

Essential Break Up Advice: Remember that if you behave in a dishonest, self-serving, cruel
or callous manner you are headed toward others who behave that way.

We attract the lessons we need to choose life-paths that express the utmost compassion and integrity.

You will attract into your life people and circumstances that bring you some form of suffering as a result of your selfish choices to teach you the truth that selfishness really does not work.

The way you end a relationship is really the beginning or the seed of the next relationship you enter.

Just as the seed contains the total potential of the plant it can become, your new relationship is bound to express the same level of selfishness that you expressed in ending your previous relationship.

The purpose of this “break up advice” is not to persuade you to remain in a relationship that you believe in your heart is truly over, but rather to clarify the importance of practicing
self-honesty every step of the way.

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