Tap The Power of Inspiring Thoughts

By Bob Lancer
February 9th, 2011

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inspirational thoughts give positive power

The purpose of thought is creation. You create what you think about.

Have you ever wondered where your inspiring thoughts come from?

Inspiring thoughts come from a center of deep inner peace.

Worrisome thinking arises from an anxious, nervous state.

Understanding the source of inspiring thoughts can help you choose your thoughts for positive power.

The purpose of thought is creation.
You create what you think about.
To choose your thoughts is to
choose your destiny.

Inspiring thoughts create conditions that you desire.

When you worry, your thinking forms possibilities you don’t want.

When you connect with inspiring thoughts you feel spiritually uplifted.

When you connect with worrisome thoughts you feel strained, drained and demoralized.

When you feel inspired by the idea of creating, say, a great work of art, or a great business, you can then form that idea into a goal and take action aimed at accomplishing that goal.

The inspiration you feel when you revisit that idea fuels your motivation to work, overcome obstacles and persevere through losses and difficulty.

Every moment you spend worrying, though, drains you of that motivation and leads you toward dreadful possibilities.

Since inspirational thoughts are more constructive than worry,
you would think that no one would choose worry.
And yet, we do make that choice.

We worry because we believe, either consciously or unconsciously, that we have no choice.  But we actually do have a choice.

You can shift out of a worried thought just as you can choose to think about a pink elephant, and then shift your thought to a blue elephant, at will.

To Shift From Worry To Inspiration

  • Take a few calming breaths, rest from activity, and ask yourself, “What would I love to bring about in my life?”
  • Follow that with a calm, quiet, inner openness and trust that an idea will come.
  • Your inspirational thoughts will soon begin to flow.

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