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Personal Development Equals Greater Success

By Bob Lancer
Tuesday, January 4th, 2011

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personal development success secret

Instead of hoping, waiting, or worrying, put yourself to work and pursue your personal development

Higher levels of success in your life requires your personal development, and your personal development involves liberation from habitual patterns.

Because your life is the product of what you do, you need to change what you do to change your results. If this does not represent your basic attitude toward success, your attitude
is one thing you need to change.

Many seem to regard themselves as a victim of their circumstances or of other people without even realizing it.

You might hear them say things like, “The reason that so many people are out of a job in the U.S. is because corporations go outside of the U.S. to hire workers for less.”

That is certainly one way to look at things, but it is not a way that really works for anyone.

We each individually need to regard ourselves as the creators of our own levels of success in life.

If you have a skill and an employer lets you go, you can actually find yourself even more successful by going into business for yourself or with one or more partners.

To make it at the highest levels you need to:

  • Develop your abilities and knowledge to the utmost.
  • Learn how to turn what you can do into a successful business.

If you are out of a job, HIRE YOURSELF!

One of changes you may need to make for your personal development is the habitual tendency to blame others or your circumstances for your problems. To liberate yourself from this self-defeating habitual mindset for greater success begins with being self-aware enough to notice when you are falling into it.

When you notice yourself expressing that overly dependent attitude:
Shift into thinking about the skills and knowledge and relationships you need to build to be more successful.

Instead of hoping, waiting, or worrying, put yourself to work and pursue your personal development.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Solve Your Problems With Positive Thinking

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

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positive thinking

Positive thinking holds the key to any solution

Positive thinking is really the solution to any problem, because all of our problems exist only in our minds.

Does that sound impossible? Consider this. If you had no thought in your mind of any problem at all, you would experience a condition that we can call “problem free”.

You experience a problem only as long as you continue thinking about what you do NOT want. As long as you want problems, continue thinking about them. But when you are ready for solutions, it’s time for positive thinking.

A solution is a positive thought, is it not? You conceive of a solution when you imagine how things can work out well.  That is essentially what positive thinking is: imagining things turning out wonderfully.

Many of us mistakenly presume that the way to leave a problem behind is to hold onto it all the time!  But the first step to leaving a problem is to let go of the thoughts that create it. You need space in your mind for your solution to arrive.

Your thought of a problem is really just a sign that it is time to focus on a solution. It is time to direct the creative process of your mind. Do this by letting go of your problem mentally, and then keeping an open mind, trusting that your solution will come.  it will!

A negative thought is a thought of what you do not want in your life. As long as you think of a condition you do not want, you feel stuck in it.

As you practice staying aware of your mind’s activities you gain mastery over your thinking. Turn negative thinking into positive thinking by focusing your mind on what you want. And pay close attention to the present to see and to seize your opportunities.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Your Self-Help Power: A Key To Success

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

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Self-help power is perhaps the single most important key to success.  Self-help power is your power to help yourself.

Think positive

Positive thoughts are powerful tools for self help

The more you blame and complain about others or circumstances, the more self-help power you lose, and the more your life seems to spin out of control.

The more you focus on what you do to cause what happens to you, the more self-help power you can access and the more effectively you can direct your own life.

We all need help from others, be we can all do more to help ourselves. Concentrate on how you can be more effective and efficient in all that you do and you will find better things happening to you.

You create your experiences. You create your problems and your solutions.  You create your obstacles and your opportunities. As long as you focus on how others set you up or let you down, though, you overlook what you do to produce your own disappointments.

To become as successful as you can be, you must fully access your total self-help power.  To do this, shift the focus of your attention away from how others cause your problems, and look for how you create what’s happening to you.

Let’s say that you feel annoyed at the way someone has treated you. As long as you think of what that person has done, you continue feeling upset. But if you shift the focus of your attention onto what you are doing, you soon realize that you are making yourself upset by thinking about that person.

Thought is a mighty power that is largely out of control for most people.  Each time that you exercise conscious control over your thinking, though, your ability to direct your thinking grows stronger.

Whatever seems to be going wrong in your life, whatever you want to achieve, direct your attention o how you are creating what is happening to you, and what you can do to access your self-help power to improve your situation.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

A Root Of Behavior Problems

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, September 8th, 2010

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Child behavior problems often stem from the way that a parent attempts to lead, direct or control the child.

When a parent directs a child to, say, pick up after himself, if it is to support the child’s development of a natural, easy tendency to demonstrate responsible self-discipline, a healthy sense of order and a sturdy foundation of self-reliance, it still may require some coaxing. But the child is more prone to cooperate because the direction is consistent with the child’s natural instinct to survive and thrive in the world.

Child behavior problems

Behavior problems hamper child development

Just being aware of the developmental benefits
that you are attempting to impart to your child
will make guiding your child’s behavior easier

Child behavior problems fester when the parent’s intention is to control the child for the sake of the parent’s personal satisfaction, without regard for the child’s developmental interests. When parents enforce obedience for the sake of obedience, they develop in the child a blindness or a numbness to the child’s inner sense of life-wisdom. This causes the child to feel lost, confused and out of control, prompting increasingly serious behavior problems.

Your child is naturally programmed to succeed in life, but how you relate with your child may either support or thwart this programming. The appropriate goal of child discipline is not to make the child blindly obedient to the authority of the parent, but to help the child cultivate, recognize and heed the authority of his or her own inner sense of responsibility for healthy, happy success in life.

Nature programs children to diligently pursue the development of the strengths, skills and knowledge they need to succeed. The parent’s role is to facilitate this natural programming in the best interest of the child. The more consistently a parent does this, the more the child’s behavior problems dissolve into demonstrations of beautiful cooperation and personal responsibility.

Receive your FREE Parenting Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.