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Discover Your Perfect Love Match

By Bob Lancer
Wednesday, March 2nd, 2011

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love advice

The real purpose of life is to learn how to live with complete fulfillment every second

How would you describe your perfect love match?

Would you know your perfect love match if you saw him or her?

In all likelihood you have come across individuals that you felt convinced were your heart’s ideal, only to be rejected by that person. How perfect was that?

The truth of the matter is that no matter how perfect a partner, or prospective partner might seem, soon you begin finding fault with that person – or that person seems to find so much fault with you that you find yourself left by the very one you thought was so right.

After repeated disappointments in love many lose hope
that there really is such a “thing” as a perfect love match.

Your perfect love match does indeed exist. But there is a caveat: It depends upon how you define perfection.

Your perfect love match is an expression of the perfection of life itself.  Every relationship presents you with exactly the lessons you need to fulfill your greater potential.

As you fulfill your greater potential you experience more fulfillment in every area of life, including the area of your love-life.

To grow into a wiser, more capable and happier person is to learn to embrace life’s hard times as much as you embrace life’s easier times.

The real purpose of life is to learn how to live
with complete fulfillment every second.

Whether we are:

  • getting along with our partner or arguing
  • feeling satisfied or dissatisfied with our partner in the present
  • feeling accepted or rejected

the purpose of the experience is to learn how to find total fulfillment.

If you are not fully enjoying your present experience, you are not living through it correctly.  This does not mean that you should judge yourself as wrong or as inadequate. It means go through the experience as a student in search of your path to total fulfillment in the now.

To experience more and more perfection in life and in love,
to find your perfect love match, look
for the perfection of the now.

Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Success Secret Of The Ages: It’s All A Gift

By Bob Lancer
Thursday, February 24th, 2011

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Here is a success secret that that just may change your life:
relate to everything as your perfect gift.

What happens to you does not really impact how you feel. Attitude makes the difference between joy and sorrow, appreciation and disdain.

When you relate to what is happening right now, even when it includes suffering, as your perfect gift, you will begin feeling better about what happens.

You will be less fearful of unpleasant situations when you apply this success secret. You will begin to see the pure and perfect opportunity delivered by each moment.

When we compare our situation to another’s, and ours seems to come up short by comparison, we are doing the opposite of applying this success secret, and suffering the painful, pointless consequences.

There is no experience to resist.
It’s all a gift.

success secret

Here is a success secret that that just may change your life: relate to everything as your perfect gift.

  • Discouragement is a gift and elation is a gift.
  • Consciousness is a gift and unconsciousness is a gift.
  • Harmony is a gift and discord is a gift.
  • Knowing it’s a gift is a gift and not knowing it’s a gift is a gift.
  • Loss is a gift and gain is a gift.
  • Kindness is a gift and insanity is a gift.
  • Health is a gift and illness is a gift.
  • Getting it right is a gift and getting it wrong is a gift.
  • Pleasure is a gift and pain is a gift.

This success secret will come to life for you if you remember to question your reaction whenever you feel deprived or let down in any way.

Simply open your mind to the possibility that whatever is happening comes to you from the perfect love and wisdom of an absolutely Good Order Delivery system (or God).

Apply this success secret to discover your fearful resistance melting away, replaced by a sense of grateful release and relief.

Perhaps the most profound success secret of the ages posits the Source of what happens as infinite perfection.

Plato referred to the basic pattern of existence as essentially Good. You will also find this success secret in:

  • the Hermetic wisdom of Egyptian antiquity
  • in the ancient Tao
  • in Hinduism
  • In the Jewish Kabbalah
  • at the heart of Christianity
  • in the teachings of Buddhism
  • in the transcendental philosophies of Whitman and Emerson

It is only our superficial judgment and habitual emotional reaction
that turns any event against us.

Apply this success secret of the ages to discover just how good – how great – how wonderful your life CAN be.

Receive your FREE Advice for your success through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

Relationship Tip: How To NOT Get Along

By Bob Lancer
Thursday, February 24th, 2011

Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.

relationship tip

The first part of this relationship tip has to do with recognizing when the time has arrived when you are not going to be able to get along.

One relationship tip that we rarely find is how to NOT get along.

And yet, such a relationship tip is really essential, because in any relationship that lasts a significant length of time, it is inevitable that there will be times when the two of you just can’t get along.

Relationship tips usually focus on how TO get along.  But just as important is knowing how to NOT get along.

There really is a healthy, constructive, beneficial way
of NOT getting along.

The first part of this relationship tip has to do with recognizing when the time has arrived when you are not going to be able to get along.

This occurs when you find either you or your partner in a very low, cranky or cantankerous mood.  Moods are bound to go up and down.

Trying to harmoniously connect with one of you feel very irritable is like
trying to drink water from an empty cup.
It is going to be just plain impossible.

Because our moods are contagious, it is easy to respond to crankiness with crankiness, and this is exactly how NOT to Not get along.

To apply this relationship tip, regard crankiness as a sign that it is time to be independent.  If you feel nervous or insecure when you cannot connect with your mate, take that as a sign that you really need this.  As your anxiety comes up, you can gradually let it go, and so “cure” yourself of excessive emotional dependency.

Irritability is a sign that a person needs some space and time to work out his or her own emotional state.  For whatever reason – it may be tiredness, hunger, a particularly challenging day, illness or something else – for the good of the relationship, let go of the relationship for a while.

If you find yourself feeling resentful, lonely, or needy when you need to give your partner some space, just let those feelings be there, without resisting them. Then focus on doing what you want to do for yourself until you find that fulfilling.

As you apply this relationship tip for how to NOT get along,
you will actually find the two of you getting along
BETTER in the long run.

Receive your FREE Relationship Advice through this blog. Simply ask Bob Lancer your question and receive his Lancer’s Answer in this blog.